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Terms & Conditions

Statement of Intent

To help you get the best from Flair School of Dance and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read these terms and conditions carefully.


The language we use should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. If you have any questions please contact us and a member of our team who will be happy to help you.


To help make these terms and conditions easy to read, we have split them into two parts.


Part A - terms and conditions of membership

All members must keep to the same terms and conditions, including adult and child members whose memberships are associated with other members and who have accepted these terms and conditions on their behalf.


Part B - rules and regulations for attending classes & using our facilities

These terms and conditions apply to all our members and their guests. They are necessary to make sure we can offer an enjoyable and safe environment for you, your guests and our other members to share during every visit to us.


These terms and conditions apply at all times and take priority over anything a member of our team has told you.


These are our up to date terms and conditions, last updated 1st March 2024, replace any previous versions.

Part A - terms and conditions of membership

Definitions that apply to Part A

You - the account holder & primary contact.

Associated users - anyone who is linked to your membership.

Associated students - any student who is linked to your membership.

Your entire membership - your membership and the membership of your associated users.

We and us - Flair School of Dance.

Your classes - the Flair School of Dance sessions you are a member of.

1 - Responsibilities of account holders and associated users and students

a Every person on your account will be jointly and individually responsible under this agreement.

b This means that:

  • if one of those people tells us to do anything in relation to the membership (including ending it) we will take that as authority from all of them;

  • each of those people will be responsible for paying all the appropriate membership fees for themselves, for any other people who have signed the form, and for all associated users (whether adults or children); and

  • each of those people will be responsible for paying any extra charges and fees which they, any other people who have accepted the terms and conditions, an associated user or a guest has to pay for using our facilities and services not covered by the standard monthly membership.

c The responsibility in A1b for the fees and charges of any associated user continues until:

  • the associated user's link with the Primary Contact changes in any of the ways set out in A8 ‘Changing your membership’; or

  • the associated user ends their membership by following the procedure in A14 ‘Ending your

  • membership’.

d The rules in A1a - c also apply to anyone who completes an online registration form.

e All of these terms and conditions of membership apply to you and all associated users & students unless we tell you otherwise.

f You and all associated users & students must keep to the rules and regulations for using facilities set out in Part B.

2 - Notice

a We calculate your membership in whole calendar months. This means that the following applies.

  • Anywhere in these terms and conditions where we ask you to give notice of one calendar month, if you give notice during a month, we will treat it as if we received it on the first day of the following month and the notice period will run from that day. For example, if you need to give us one month’s notice to end your membership and we receive your notice on 23 May, your notice will start from 1 June, it will run out on 30 June, your membership will end on 30 June and you will pay one more direct debit (on 1 June) after giving notice. The only exception to this is if you give us notice at the beginning of a month. This means that if we receive notice from you up to and including the fourth day of a month, we will treat it as if we received it on the first day of that month and the notice period will run from that day.

  • Anywhere in these terms and conditions where you can give notice to end your membership from the end of the month, when you give notice we will end your membership at the end of the month during which we receive your notice as long as you have met all other requirements associated with it. For example, if we receive your notice on 23 May (with any supporting evidence we have asked for), your membership will end on 31 May and you will not have to pay any more direct debits after 31 May. There are no exceptions to this rule. For example, if you give us notice on 1 June, your membership will end on 30 June and you will not have to pay any more direct debits after 30 June.

b If you want to give notice, it must be in writing (addressed to the Membership Department of Flair School of Dance). We will accept notice by email to If you need to give us evidence of certain things, you can provide them as attachments to an email.

c Your notice is not effective until we have received it. We strongly advise that when you give notice you get proof that we have received it. For example:

  • if you send us notice by post, send it by recorded delivery (we will have to sign the delivery notice when we receive it);

  • if you hand your notice to your class teacher, ask for a receipt; or

  • if you send us your notice by email, ask for a delivery receipt.

d We will confirm we have received your notice within ten days of receiving it. If you do not receive this confirmation within ten days, you must immediately let us know so we can check whether we have received it.

e From time to time we will need to contact you about your membership, so it is important you let us know if your address, contact phone number or email address changes.

f If we need to give notice to you:

  • it will be effective if we send it to the address or email address we have in the records we hold about you; and

  • if we give notice during a month, our notice period will run from the first day of the following month.

3 - Membership types and length of membership

3.1 Standard Monthly Membership

a Your membership will begin on the day when you complete your registration form online.

b Your membership will run for the initial period, which is at least one full calendar month see A3.1c), and will continue then indefinitely until you give us at least one full calendar month’s notice in writing in line with A2 ‘Notice’, unless:

  • you end your membership at the end of the initial period (see A4.1e), or

  • we cancel your membership (see A1é ‘Cancelling your membership’).

c The ‘initial period’ is one full calendar month period from the 1st of the month after the date you completed your registration form, together with the part of a month as mentioned in A4d ‘Starting your membership’.

d This means that for Standard Monthly membership,  your minimum commitment is to pay for the first full calendar month of your membership with us (together with the part of a month as mentioned in A5d ‘Starting your membership’). This applies even if you cancel your direct debit before then.

e If you want to end your membership from the end of the initial period, you can give us one calendar month's notice (see A2 ‘Notice’) as long as we receive your notice any time up to and including the 4th day of the full calendar month of your initial period. If you give us notice but we do not receive it by the 4th day of the final calendar month, your membership will not end at the end of your initial period. Instead, we will treat your notice as if we received it on the first day of the following month, and your membership will not end until one month after that date. There is more information on ending your membership in A11.

3.2 Membership of a Course

a Courses must be paid for in full at the time of booking

b Courses can be cancelled. To do this, you will need to give notice in writing. If you change your mind, we will refund any fees you have already paid for your course and your membership of it will end. You can do this at any time up to seven working days after booking onto the course or up to the first time you or any of your associated users or students attend the course's first session, whichever is the earlier.

3.3 Membership of an Event (excluding shows, exams & competitions)

a Events (namely discos, workshops & camps) must be paid for in full at the time of booking.

b Events (as detailed in 4.3a) can be cancelled. To do this, you will need to give notice in writing. If you change your mind, we will refund any fees you have already paid for your event, and your membership will end. You can do this at any time up to seven working days after booking onto the course or up to the first time you or any of your associated users or students attend the course's first session, whichever is the earlier.

3.4 Show, competition & examination session membership

a A non-refundable fee is applicable to join each of the above (4.4) and this must be paid for in full at the time of booking.

b Your membership if these can be cancelled. To do this, you will need to give notice in writing. If you change your mind, however we will refund any fees you have already paid unless it is within seven working of booking on.

3.5 Private Lesson Membership

a Fees for private lessons are booked and are payable upfront in monthly blocks, i.e. on the 1st of each month; you will be charged upfront for all of the private lessons you have booked in that calendar month.

b You may cancel your private lesson up to 48 hours before it is due to commence to receive a refund for this session or to carry it over to a future date.

c Private lesson cancellations received less than 48 hours in advance will not be refunded.

d You may book any number of private lessons in, however repeated cancellations may result in us declining to offer you any further private lessons and we may instead of your slot to someone else.​

4 - Starting your membership

a You will need to pay an amount to cover your membership fee from the day that you join until the 1st of the following month. If you join after the 20th of the month, you will need to pay for the rest of the current month, plus the whole of the next month.

b You can change your mind about joining. To do this, you will need to give notice in writing. If you change your mind, we will refund any fees you have already paid and your entire membership will end. You can do this at any time up to seven working days after making your membership application or up to the first time you or any of your associated users or students takes their first class, whichever is the earlier.

5 - Membership fees

a Standard Monthly membership fees are due on the 1st of each month. You must pay for your membership by making monthly payments by direct debit unless we agree otherwise.

b The monthly payment is pro-rata )and based on the 38 classes in our academic year), spreading the cost of classes evenly over an academic year (no fee collections in August).

c Members joining in June or July each year are charged upfront for the classes remaining in the academic year. The Standard Monthly Membership then commences on the 1st of September.

d Where you pay by direct debit we will ask your bank for your monthly payment around the first working day of each month unless we have agreed an alternative date.

e Requests to have an alternative monthly collection date must be made in writing to the membership team via for consideration and may be agreed or declined at our discretion.

f An annual fee review is conducted in July each year with guidance for price alterations being taken in consideration of the inflation to the Consumer Price Index (CIP) to June of that year and published in July of that year.

g Price alterations are notified to members in mid-August ahead of the September fee collection being called.

h Discounts are made against group classes and not Private Lessons, however the Private lesson will be included in the class count when working out the overall discount applied to group classes.

6 - Cancelled Classes

a We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise. If we need to cancel a class at short notice, we will always strive to offer an alternative class at a different day and time (or sometimes on the same day at a different venue) for the same style and level. This enables you to participate still. We understand that scheduling conflicts may arise, but unfortunately, refunds will not be offered for cancelled classes when a suitable alternative is provided.

b Where we cannot provide an alternative session for you to attend, we will treat the missed session as a credit against a future monthly fee payment.

c If you are in your Notice Period (see A2), and we are unable to offer an alternative session for you, your notice period will have an additional week credited to the end of it, taking you into the first week of the next teaching month after your notice ends.

7 - Changing your classes and associated users

a We realise that your preferences can change over time, so you can apply to change your your classes. Joining new classes that we offer, leaving others. You might increase or decrease the number of sessions that you are a member of and siblings may join/leave which will result in a change to your Standard Monthly Membership fee.

b You may need to provide proof that you qualify for the new membership category you are applying for. For example, siblings, not cousins, are eligible for the sibling discount.

c When you change classes, your membership fees may change to the current fees advertised for that class for new members.

d If you want to link another adult to your account as an associated user for your child, we will need their written authority to make the change.

e If you are linked to another member, either you or the other member can ask to remove that link.

f If we remove the primary contact as an associated user, the user who is left will be the primary contact for the associated student.

8 - Other charges

a There may be an extra charge for a small number of services that we provide. These services will always be optional extras - such as taking part in exams or shows. We will distribute information ahead of time and it will be your choice as to whether you participate or not.

b Charges and fees may vary over time. For details of all charges and fees, please contact our membership team via

c if you or an associated user purchases a uniform item directly from us at one of our venues, or uses an extra service but does not pay for them at the time, we will take the charges using your direct debit.

9 - Attending other classes

a As a member, you may be able to attend an alternative session if you cannot make your regular session. Please contact us via if you would like to request this, as certain conditions apply.

b If we agree to allow you to attend alternative sessions, at least 50% (half) of your visits each month (over a three-month period) must be to your registered class. If you use other classes more than your regular class, we have the right to transfer you to the class you use the most.

10 - Guests

a You and any other linked adult member can request to bring guests to try out your class. You or your associated user introducing the guest must:

  • ensure an adult with parental responsibility for them registers them for a trial ahead of time using our online booking system;

  • make sure the guests are aware of, and keep to, our rules and regulations set out in ‘Part B - rules and regulations for using facilities’.

b Guests who have tried the class before must pay the appropriate fee to take the class. Guest fees may differ from your Standard Monthly Membership fee as they will be charged at the rate for new members when they are attending.

c if fees apply to your guests and are not paid when they attend, we will take the charges using your direct debit.

d Social guests (guests attending the facilities with you but not taking a class) must always stay with you; there will be no fee for their presence.

e Social guests may be refused if waiting space is limited as paying members take precedence.

11 - Suspending your membership

a At any time (other than after you have given us notice to end your membership) you can suspend your membership for a period of up to two months.

b If you want to suspend your membership you will need to fill in a membership suspension form.

c The suspension will take effect from the first day of the month following the date we receive your membership suspension form, signed by everyone who needs to sign it. You must make sure that we have received the signed membership suspension form as the suspension will not take effect until we have received the form, we strongly advise that you get proof that we have received it. For example:

  • if you send us notice by post, send it by recorded delivery (we will have lo sign the delivery notice when we receive it);

  • if you hand your notice in to your class teacher, ask for a receipt; or

  • if you send us your notice by email, ask for a delivery receipt.

d We will confirm we have received your notice within ten days of receiving it. If you do not receive this confirmation within ten days, you must immediately let us know so we can check whether we have received it.

f If we find that you are attending classes while your membership is suspended, your membership will immediately restart and you must pay any appropriate membership fees that are due for the period while your membership was suspended.

g Throughout the time your membership is suspended, we may at our discressions, charge you 25% of the relevant monthly fee for each month the membership is suspended.

h You can suspend your membership if you are suffering from a medical condition, which means you are unable to bring your child to class (this does not include pregnancy, but does include a medical condition that arises during pregnancy). You must give us suitable evidence.

i You can suspend your membership if your child is suffering from a medical condition which means they are unable to attend. You must give us suitable evidence.

j If you suspend your membership and the suspension starts during your initial period, we will extend the initial period by the total period that your membership was suspended. If you give us notice to end your membership or the membership of an associated user while it is suspended, the suspension will end at the same time as the notice period starts.

k Suspending your membership is not the same as ending your membership.

12 - Ending your membership

a If your membership has no associated users, only you can give notice to end it.

b If your membership has associated users, the following rules apply for ending membership. 

c if you give notice to end the membership, we will treat it as applying to you and to all linked members unless you tell us otherwise.

  • if an associated user who has accepted these terms and conditions gives notice to end the membership, we will treat it as applying to you and to all associated users unless the person giving notice tells us otherwise.

  • If your membership is ended, it automatically ends the membership of all associated users.

  • Individual associated users can end their own membership by giving us notice.

  • You can end the membership of individual linked children (associated students) by giving us notice for them without jeopardising your membership for your other children.

d The notice period is set out in A2 Notice.

e You must continue to pay your membership fees until your membership ends.

f Your membership will end at the end of your notice period.

g Your associated students must not attend any class once your membership has ended.


13 - Ending your membership due to an increase in membership fees

a You can end your membership without the one month notice period if we give you notice of an increase in your membership fee of more than either 3% above the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation means the Consumer Prices Index published by the Office for National Statistics in the July before the date on which we give you notice.

b You must still give us notice in writing in line with A2 ‘Notice’.

14 - Ending your membership due to significant changes to your class

a You can end your membership without the one-month notice period if we give you notice under A19a that we intend to:

  • change the location of your class, or

  • close your class permanently.

b In each of these cases, you must give us notice in writing in line with A2 “Notice”.

c A teacher change is considered a normal part of running classes and does not constitute a significant change to the class.

d Likewise, the time or day of your class may change. You will be given sufficient notice of this to allow for notice to be served in line with A2 ‘Notice’ so this does not constitute a significant change to your class. The only exception to this is if we are unable to give you the full month’s notice under A19a of a permanent change to the day or time of your class, in which case you can end your membership by giving us written notice which ends on the date the changes apply from. We will refund any part of the membership fee you have already paid for any period after that date.

15 - Ending your membership due to an increase in membership fees

a You can end your membership without the one month notice period if we give you notice of an increase in your membership fee of more than either 3% above the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation means the Consumer Prices Index published by the Office for National Statistics in the July before the date on which we give you notice.

b You must still give us notice in writing in line with A2 ‘Notice’.

16 - Cancelling your membership

a We will not tolerate our staff or other members being verbally abused or intimidated or being physically threatened. If we find this to be the case, we have the right to report you to the police, ban you immediately and permanently from your class and all other Flair School of Dance classes, and cancel your entire membership.

b We may also cancel your entire membership in the following circumstances.

  • if you or an associated user or associated student breaks or repeatedly breaks this membership agreement or our rules as detailed in our policies and procedures, and you do not or cannot put it right within seven days of us writing to you about it.

  • If you, your associated user, associated student or your (or an associated user's) guest uses rude or abusive language or behaves or threatens to behave violently or aggressively at any Flair School of Dance class, event or suchlike.

  • If, for a period of longer than four calendar months (excluding August), neither you nor any associated user or associated student attends any classes.

c If we receive any complaint about your behaviour or that of an associated user or associated student at any Flair Performing Arts class, event or suchlike or if you or an associated user or associated student persistently behave inappropriately, or if we believe that your continued membership (or that of an associated user or associated student) is not in the interests of other members of our organisation, we have the right to suspend your entire membership. You have the right to appeal against our decision (unless your behaviour is covered by A16a or A16b). You can appeal by writing to us at If we are not able to sort out the issue following your appeal, or if you do not appeal in line with our appeal procedures (available upon request), we have the right to cancel your entire membership.

d lf we cancel your membership for any of the reasons in clauses A14a & A14b, we have the right to keep a proportion of the money you have paid under this agreement to cover any reasonable costs we have had to pay. We will also not accept any future applications you make for membership to any Flair School of Dance class and you will not be allowed to enter any Flair School of Dance class as a guest or for any other reason.

17 - If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due

a If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due, we will try to take this payment by direct debit from your account again later in the month. GoCardless will notify you of this and of the date on which it will be tried. If that is unsuccessful, it will be tried one more time. The GoCardless fees incurred by us for retrying a collection may be added to the outstanding monies you owe at our discretion.

b If we have not received your fees after three attempts, we will send an invoice about you to the email address in our records. We will give 7-day terms in this invoice. Should it remain unpaid after this date has elapsed all fees outstanding, including any additional monies which have become outstanding in the meantime (such as the next months standard monthly membership fee your membership will be suspended and you will be unable to attend any further classes until your account is in good standing again.

c If you prematurely cancel your direct debit instruction leaving us unable to collect your monthly membership fee we will contact you with details of how you can set it up again. If you fail to do so within seven days of a missed payment, we will issue an invoice to the email address in our records for you and may pursue alternative means of collection (as outlined in A15d).

d We may refer any missed payments that we have been unsuccessful in collecting to a debt-collection agency who will add an administrative charge and interest to the amount due which will continue to accrue until the outstanding monies are paid in full.

e If your direct debit fails and you fall behind with your membership payments for more than 60 days, we will charge you an administration fee of £10.

f If you do not pay for your membership, we may prevent you and any associated users & associated students from entering any class. This does not mean we will end your membership,

g Cancelling your direct debit does not mean you have given us notice to end your membership. You must give us written notice in tine with A2 ‘Notice’.​

18 - Changing your membership fees and this agreement

a An annual fee review is conducted in August each year with guidance for price alterations being taken in consideration of the inflation to the Consumer Price Index (CIP) to June of that year and published in July of that year.

b Price alterations are notified to members in August before the September fee collection is called.

c We may increase membership fees automatically each year; by either the exact rate of, or between 1% & 3% above the rate of inflation according to the Consumer Prices Index. If we do this, the new fees will come into force on 1 September each year.

d If we plan to increase the membership fees by more than the higher of these amounts, we will give you at least one month's notice. We will give you notice of the change by email (as described in A2e and f ‘Notice’) to the email address we hold in our records for you.

19 - Making changes to your class, our facilities, services and activities

a If we decide to change the location of your class or to close it permanently the following will apply;

  • We will make every reasonable effort to give you at least one month’s notice of the change or closure in writing to the email address we hold in our records.

  • You can end your membership by giving us notice in writing in line with A2 ‘Notice’. You must give us one calendar month's notice. Or, you can transfer to another class.

  • If we cannot give you one months’ notice of the change or closure but you want to end your membership, you can give us written notice which ends on the date when the changes start to apply. We will refund any part of the membership fee you have already paid for a period after that date.

b We have the right to increase, reduce or withdraw certain facilities, services or activities in any of our venues either permanently or temporarily (for example, to carry out cleaning, repairs, maintenance or security work).

20 - Complaints

a We are committed to ensuring our members are satisfied with our service, but we are realistic enough to know that things don't go according to plan all the time. If you have a complaint, we want to know about it as soon as possible so that we may fully investigate it and sort the matter out.

b If you have a complaint, you should first tell your class teacher at Flair. If you are unsatisfied with their response, contact our office directly at If you are still not satisfied with their response, you have the right to end your membership in accordance with A2 ‘Notice’.

c Dissatisfaction with the outcome of a complaint is not grounds for ending your membership early and one months full notice (as details in A2) is still required.

21 - Liability

a We do not accept liability for damage or loss to your property or a guest's property that may happen on the premises or within the grounds of your class venue or any other Flair School of Dance venue, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care. This includes external facilities we may hire or go to for purposes including but notwithstanding performances, events, examinations, competitions or trips.

b We do not accept liability for the injury or death of any member, student or guest that may happen on the premises or within the grounds of your class venue or any other Flair Performing Arts venue, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care. This includes external facilities we may hire or go to for purposes including but notwithstanding performances, events, examinations, competitions or trips.

c Nothing in these terms and conditions is meant to limit any rights you might have as a consumer.

22 - Data protection

a We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with our privacy policy which you can get from our website. If you want to know what information we hold about you, or you want us to correct any information we hold about you, the appropriate procedures are set out in our privacy policy.

23 - Children

a We welcome your other children to our venues when you bring their siblings to class, but they must behave reasonably. They must not endanger themselves or other people or prevent other members from enjoying their class or the venue's facilities. If your child behaves unreasonably, we have the right to speak to you or the child about this.

b If your child continues to behave unreasonably, whether on one visit to us or over a number of visits, we will try to sort out the issue by meeting with you. If we cannot resolve the issue during the meeting, we have the right to suspend the child from entering our class venues.

c If we suspend your child from using a class venue and you want to appeal against this. you must appeal in writing to

234 - Uniform

a Flair has a compulsory uniform that is expected to be worn to every lesson and/or event we hold. This ensures that Flair removes brand competitiveness and that classes are cohesive and participants are safely dressed.

b We ask that your child is in uniform by the end of their first term with us.

c No jewellery is to be worn to classes, this includes watches. Hair must be secured and off the face.

d No denim is to be worn to classes.

d Please note there is no uniform requirement for Adult Classes.

Part B - rules and regulations for using classes, facilities and activities

Definitions that apply to Part B.

You - the account holder & primary contact and/or the student taking the class.

Associated users - anyone who is linked to your membership.

Associated students - any student who is linked to your membership.

Your entire membership - your membership and the membership of your associated users.

We and us - Flair School of Dance.

Your classes - the Flair School of Dance sessions you are a member of.

1 - General health and safety

a We do not allow pets (except for registered working assistance dogs) in our classes & facilities.

c To protect the safety of all members and guests, you must pay particular attention to all signs relating to health and safety at our venues. If you do not understand a notice or sign please ask one of our team members or the reception of the venue (if appropriate).

d Fire exits are clearly marked throughout the venues we use. If there is a fire or if you hear the fire alarm, you should make your way out of the facility through the nearest possible exit to the advertised assembly point.

e If you suffer an accident or injury at any of our venues, you must report it and the circumstances under which it happened to us immediately at

f For legal and health reasons, you must not smoke while using any of the facilities.

g While you are at our classes & facilities, we expect you to behave appropriately, respectfully and politely and dress appropriately at all times. We can prevent you from entering the venue or ask you to leave if we think your behaviour or appearance is unsuitable.

h You should not attend our classes if you have an infectious illness or condition.

i For your safety, when participating in our classes, you must wear appropriate footwear & clothing, see A22 'uniform', if you do not have appropriate footwear or clothing you may be refused entry to your class. You will not be refunded for missing this class should this happen.

2 - Your children’s health and safety

a Children aged 11 or under must be supervised at all times by an adult. However, this does not apply if they are at an activity we organise at our studios or one of our other venues, which parents and guardians do not need to go to (we will call this a ‘supervised activity’). In facilities where changing rooms are available, children over the age of eight can use the changing rooms without supervision.

b If your child is at one of our classes or a supervised activity, he or she must be registered. We will not allow any other person to collect your child after the class or activity unless you have made a specific arrangement beforehand and advised the teacher you left your child with.

c All our teachers, assistants and volunteers who work with children are DBS-checked.

d Parents or adult carers need to fill in registration forms for all children before attending our classes or activities.

e You must not bring your children into the class or facilities if they have an infectious illness or condition.

f Where available, children aged eight or over must use the men’s or women’s changing rooms, according to their sex (or a family changing room, if one is available).

3 - Car park

a You are only entitled to use the venue car park while using the facilities.

b If you do not have a disabled badge, you must not park in the spaces reserved for disabled badge holders.

c We do not guarantee that car parking is available at any of our venues.

d You park in the car park at your own risk. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage to your car or personal belongings while you are parked in the car park at any of our venues.

4 - Physical Activity

a Regular physical activity is fun and healthy, and increasingly more people are starting to become more active every day. Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with their doctor before they start becoming much more physically active.

b If you plan to become much more physically active than you are now and are between the ages of 15 and 69, you should consider checking with your doctor before you start. If you are over 69 years of age or any age with an underlying health condition, and you are not used to being very active, check with your doctor.

c If you're unsure about your physical condition and readiness to participate, you should consult with your doctor to clarify that it is safe for you to become active at this current time & in your current state of health.

d You should delay becoming much more active if;

  • you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a fever – wait until you feel better or

  • if you are or may be pregnant – talk to your doctor before you start becoming more active. If you are already active, ask your doctor for information about exercising while pregnant.

e When engaging voluntarily in an exercise or dance class run by Flair School of Dance for recreational reasons or to improve physical fitness, you understand that the activities are designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the cardio-respiratory system and thereby attempt to improve its function. The reaction of the cardio-respiratory system to such activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. There is a risk that changes might occur during exercise to blood pressure and heart rate, by accepting these terms and conditions you personally accept the responsibility of these risks and will take personal steps to mitigate them.

g You understand that you are responsible for monitoring your own child's health conditions and that, should any unusual symptoms occur, you will cease participation in the class until the matter is resolved and will notify us at 

h If medical clearance must be obtained before participation in the class, you agree to contact your GP and obtain written permission before the commencement of any class or course.

i By accepting these terms, you agree to assume the risk of such exercise and further agree to hold blameless Flair School of Dance and its teachers conducting the classes from any claims, suits, losses or related causes of action for damages, including but not limited to such claims that may result from injury or death, accidental or otherwise, during or arising from participation in the classes.

j You accept that if you are in doubt about your child's health and/or physical condition at any time, you will always obtain medical clearance before exercise and will keep the teachers and office, at &, advised of any material changes in health.

k By checking the box to accept our terms & conditions, you affirm that you have read this document in its entirety and that you understand the nature of the exercise programme undertaken at Flair School of Dance.

l All physical activity contains an element of risk, in attending our classes you acknowledge that risk and have taken steps to mitigate it.

m We aim to make our classes and learning experience fun. We know that everyone has different aspirations and levels of skill, tolerance, and fitness. We ask that you trust our professional judgement in catering to the needs of each individual and class. If you have any concerns about your childs progress or wish to speak to us about any other matter regarding our classes you can do so via your class teacher in the first instance or our office there after at

5 - Bookings & Waiting Lists

a All bookings are strictly first come, first serve.

b Places on waiting lists are held in the exact order in which they are received and are worked through in this order when offering out a place that has come available.

c In the interests of being entirely fair we only accept bookings via our website and will not be able to take emails in as anything more than and expression of interest.

d Bookings for events and suchlike may be subject to a fee and are subject to the terms and conditions laid out in Part A of these terms & conditions.

6 - Photographs and videos

a During watching week you may take photographs and video recordings in your class for your own personal use provided that you keep to these rules and any extra rules displayed at your venue or laid out by your class teacher at the start of the watching week session.

b You must not take photographs or videos of any children under 18 other than your own.

c Anyone who appears in your photographs or videos must be aware that you are filming them and you must get their permission first.

d At watching week sessions permission may be assumed unless told otherwise by your class teacher at the start of the session as we have sought permission for photographs and videos to be taken as part of our registration procedure.

e You must not take photographs or video recordings in a changing area or toilet facility.

If another member is unhappy that you are filming them and makes a complaint to us, we may ask you to show us any images you have taken of them and to delete them if appropriate. If a member of our team asks you to stop filming or taking photographs, you must do so.

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